Jesus had scathing rebuke for the Pharisees.
He began each of three rebukes with… “Woe to you Pharisees!”
In each instance Jesus pointed to what the Pharisees neglected, what they disregarded.

“… woe to you Pharisees!”
The Pharisees had rules, hundreds of them, and demanded others follow those rules, even the smallest rule.
What did the Pharisees neglect, what did they disregard?
Justice and love of God!  Luke 11:42

“Woe to you Pharisees!”
The Pharisees loved to sit in the seats of honored importance in the synagogues.
They loved to be greeted with great respect in the market place.  Luke 11:43
What did the Pharisees neglect, what did they disregard?
Putting God first and others next.

“Woe to you Pharisees!”
The Pharisees were like tombs which were concealed and people didn’t have a clue they were walking on those tombs of deadness and were ceremonially defiled.  Luke 11:44

Jesus did not mince words with religious leaders who were supposed to lead the people in a godly manner.  These Pharisees wore a mask, that is what hypocrisy is… a mask to hide true motives.

The Pharisees pointed to themselves, their self-importance took precedent over people and over God Himself.

~ Take it to heart ~

What does your attitude in life show?
What are your motives?
What is your real relationship with God?