The Day is Coming – – –
Apostasy – abandonment of faith in God
Many today have abandoned faith in the living God. Denying, rejecting, denouncing God Himself in their life. Where do you stand?
Follower of Christ, we can still reject God’s will. How do we deny, reject, denounce God our Savior in our life?
“O Lord, show me Your ways, Your words, Your desires for me… I do not want to go through this day without acknowledging You, trusting You in my circumstances. In the name of Jesus, my Savior, I pray. Amen.”
The Lord God had the prophet, Hosea, write these words and no doubt he said them to God’s people, the Israelites. The LORD gives hope and reveals the future.
“I will heal their apostasy, I will love them freely.
For My anger has turned away from them.”
NASB Hosea 14:4
Apostasy –
These people, God’s chosen people, worshiped other gods, they abandoned their faith in God alone.
The day is coming when Israel will return to the LORD –
And when they do – the LORD will heal their apostasy – many will believe in Jesus as their Savior…
Their sins will be forgiven by their faith in the blood of Jesus.
God’s anger against apostasy will be turned away, why? Because of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
God’s anger against my sins is turned away from me by my faith in the Lord Jesus as my Savior and Lord.
God doesn’t overlook sins, He provided a way so I would not be judged for my sins.
Faith in the Lord Jesus is the only way the LORD God takes care of anyone’s sins.
~ Take it to heart ~
For whom are you praying to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord?