What plans have you made which did not happen the way you wanted?
How did you adjust to those circumstances?

So many times, anger, ranting and raving, or a “poor me” attitude happens – nothing went according to “your” plans.

Perhaps you have learned to adjust to your circumstances using patience.  As a child of God, with Jesus as your Savior, you responded with patience.  You even came to the point of choosing to yield to God’s will for you in your circumstances.

The following is told in Luke 2:4-6.
Joseph needed to obey the governor’s decree – so he took himself and his betrothed wife to Bethlehem… he needed to register his name in his family’s hometown.

Mary was pregnant, very pregnant, with the Son of God.  Scripture does not say if they were aware of Micah’s prophecy of the birthplace of Messiah – Bethlehem.  Micah 5:2-3

They arrived in Bethlehem, people were everywhere.  Many people had come to register in the city of their family’s hometown.

Where was a house; okay, at least a room?

Mary and Joseph had to live in uncomfortable and unexpected circumstances.

They were in a town unfamiliar to them.  There was no room for them in an inn… nowhere was there a room to be had.  They needed shelter.  Yes, a stable would do.  It would at least be warm because of the animals within.  Straw would be available to make a bed.

Then more unexpected circumstances  – Mary went into labor.

~ Take it to heart ~

Remember: God is still with you in your unexpected circumstances…
no matter how disappointed you may be.