Faithful Commitment ~ Grateful Adoration
Are you in awe of how the Lord Jesus Christ delivered you from your past?
Too many times, followers of Christ sensationalize their pasts – the time before Jesus meets and rescues us from our sins, our hang-ups, our imprisonments.
We are not told in Scripture when, where, or how Mary Magdalene was delivered from seven demons. Luke 8:2
We are told of her devotion to Jesus.
She, along with some other women, contributed to the support of Jesus and His disciples from their private incomes. Luke 8:3Mary was at the cross of Jesus, she saw Him die. She observed Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus prepare the body of Jesus for burial in a new tomb. She followed them and saw the exact tomb.
Matthew 27:56, 61; Mark 15:40, 47; Luke 23:50-54;
John 19:38-41It was Mary Magdalene who came before daylight to the tomb on the first day of the week. She was the first to see the stone rolled away from the opening into the tomb. John 20:1
It was Mary who ran to tell Simon Peter and John of what she saw… and her consternation that Jesus body was not in that tomb! John 20:2
It was Mary who went back to that tomb, weeping in sorrow and grief. John 20:1-13
It was Mary who first saw her risen Savior, Jesus. John 20:15-17
It was Mary who announced to the eleven disciples, “I have seen the Lord!” John 20:18
Mary was faithfully committed to Jesus as He walked in Galilee and Judea.
Mary gratefully adored Jesus as He was dying and as He was buried.
Mary’s joy was complete and her devotion rewarded when she met her physically risen, triumphant Savior face to face.
~ Take it to heart ~
Let go of your life in the past, before you met Jesus as your Savior.
Let your actions, your words show your devotion to Jesus ~ today.
Be faithfully committed to your Savior with grateful adoration ~ today.