If you are a parent, are you a godly parent?  Do you read and study God’s word to love your family God’s way?

Raising children to grow and mature into strong, wise men and women with the grace of God leading them throughout their lives can happen!  Why?  Because of your godly parenting.

Jesus grew up in a home where Joseph and Mary were obedient to the LORD their God.  This was a proven fact because they did what God said for them to do.  Their obedience protected the baby Jesus from certain death when they escaped to Egypt.  When they returned to Israel, they lived in Nazareth.  Luke 2:39

What does God’s word say about Jesus as a child?
(NASB) Luke 2:40 “The Child continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.”

My prayer for you who have children in your home: ‘May the Lord Jesus guide you through His word, the Holy Bible, to use love, godly wisdom and wise discipline to help your children to mature in Christ.   That they would know they are loved by God and by you’.

~ Take it to heart ~

The importance of being a godly parent in your circumstances
is all important for your children for eternity.