You have people whom you love.  Do you love them with sacrificial love?  Do you put their needs ahead of yours?  Are you willing to go to great lengths for them to be forgiven by God when they sin?  Moses loved the rebellious people of Israel.  “Listen” to how Moses proved his love for them.

Moses was angry with his brother, Aaron, and the sons of Israel.  They were worshiping a gold calf made by Aaron from the gold earrings of the people.  They sinned against the living God.
Exodus 32:1-29

(NASB) Exodus 32:30 “On the next day Moses said to the people, ‘You yourselves have committed a great sin (worshiping the gold calf); and now I am going up to the LORD, perhaps I can make atonement for your sin.’”

Moses was willing to sacrifice himself for the people’s sin! 
(NASB) Exodus 32:31-32 “Then Moses returned to the LORD, and said, ‘Alas, this people has committed a great sin, and they have made a god of gold for themselves.
32 ‘But now, if You will, forgive their sin – and if not, please blot me out from Your book which You have written!’”

Moses was willing to sacrificially die because of the sins committed by Aaron and the people… so they would be forgiven of their sins against God.

Then Moses made a statement, one which impacted the people and Moses.  Moses knew what he was saying.  He understood the possible consequences to himself.  But Moses said it anyway because he loved those people.

How did the LORD God respond to such a statement of sacrifice?
(NASB) Exodus 32:33 “The LORD said to Moses, ‘Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book.’”

Moses was willing to exchange his life for the sins of the people.  God said “no!”  The people were responsible for their own sins, not Moses.

The LORD holds each person accountable for their choices.  He does not accept you and me to be responsible for another’s decisions.

~ Take it to heart ~

Each person is responsible for their own sins.
Each person is accountable to God for their choices.