As a mother, I found that one of the hardest things I have ever done is to open my hands and let my children fall into the waiting hands of God.  Picture this:  Hold out your hands palms up and pressed together side by side.  Imagine your child sitting there, in the palm of your hands.  Then, spread them apart…your child falls…but that child doesn’t fall far because God’s hands, palms up, are there to catch your child.

It took me years and years to realize that when I let go, God was there waiting to catch my children.  Isn’t it a comfort to know that God is there for them just as He is there for us?

Try to imagine for a moment with me what Moses’s mother must have thought and felt.  She was pregnant and Pharaoh sent out a decree that all male babies born were to be drowned in the Nile. (Exodus 1)

Do you think she might have been in fear that this child she was carrying, who was already loved beyond measure, may be a boy that she would have to give up after he was born?  I can’t even begin to imagine what she felt or was thinking.

However, we do know that she sacrificed her life for her son.  She hid him as long as she could and then trusted God with the rest.  Moses was found in the bulrushes by an attendant of Pharaoh’s daughter.  (Exodus 2)

In trusting Moses to God, his mother had to let him go.

God’s faithfulness to Moses’ mother:  “Then Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, ‘Take this child and nurse him for me and I will give you your wages’.”  (NIV) Exodus 2:9

Ahh, Moses’ mother held him close to her heart and loved him.  She was rewarded for her trust in God.  She must have taken advantage of the opportunity to teach him about God and his people.

Are you fully trusting God for your family?  For your life?

Take it to Heart

God takes care of those who seek Him.

He will take care of you.
Psalm 91:2 (NIV)
“I will say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust”!

He will take care of your family.
Psalm 91:11 (NIV)
“For He will give His angels charge concerning you,
To guard you in all your ways”.