Jethro took care of Zipporah, his daughter who was married to Moses.  He also took care of Moses’ two sons, Gershom and Eliezer while Moses was freeing and leading the sons of Israel out of Egyptian slavery.  Exodus 18:2-4

Jethro, Moses’s father-in-law, heard about what God did for Moses and the people of Israel by delivering them from Egyptian slavery.  This was news, real news.  And he sent word to Moses that he was bringing Moses’ family to him in the wilderness… to Mount Horeb.
Exodus 18:5-6

There was mutual respect between these men.  Moses had been a shepherd for Jethro for about 40 years.  They had a shared history.

When Moses met his father-in-law and his family, he told his father-in-law about “…all that the LORD had done to Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel’s sake, all the hardship that had befallen them on the journey, and how the LORD had delivered them.”
Exodus 18:8

Jethro was a man who listened to his son-in-law.  Exodus 18:8

He rejoiced over all the LORD’s goodness for His work on  behalf of the sons of Israel. Exodus 18:9

He recognized the LORD who had delivered the sons of Israel out of slavery. Exodus 18:10

He acknowledged that the LORD was greater than all gods.
Exodus 18:11

Then Jethro worshiped God.  Exodus 18:12

Do you worship the living God after you:
Hear about other’s experiences which are based on the LORD’s work?
Rejoice because the LORD works in your behalf?
Recognize that it is the LORD who delivers you out of the slavery of sin?
Acknowledge God is greater than all gods?
Do you?

~ Take it to heart ~

(NASB) Luke 4:8 “Jesus answered him, ‘It is written, ‘YOU SHALL WORSHP THE LORD YOUR GOD AND SERVE HIM ONLY.”

Worship follows belief in the living God.