Protected by the Blood of the Lamb
How did the LORD God protect the Hebrew slaves in Egypt during the plagues in the days of Moses? Many of the plagues did not affect them. But now, the last plague was coming.
The firstborn son was important to God and His people. The judgment of God would come on the firstborn son of people and animals. To avoid the judgment of God the blood of a lamb needed to be on the door frame of their houses where the people lived.
The blood was to be applied with a bunch of hyssop and no one was to go out the door until morning. God said so. God was protecting His people. Exodus 12:21-23
God’s plan protects all who have faith in the blood of the sacrificial Lamb. Faith in the Lord Jesus is essential for God’s protection of you and me.
(NASB) John 1:29 “… ‘Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”
The blood of Jesus is never to be forgotten or de-emphasized. His sacrificial blood is what God sees when He looks at me. I am under the protection of Jesus, His blood saved me.
Can you say the same?
~ Take it to heart ~
Follower of Christ, you are saved by faith in Jesus… by the sacrificial blood of Jesus.
Rejoice! You are protected!
He is the Lamb of God!