Fighting a Battle
Did you consider that the plagues which the LORD God sent to Egypt were battles between Him and the gods of Egypt? Pharaoh was considered a “god” in Egypt.
The LORD did not negotiate with Pharaoh. God never compromised His will or His purposes or His motive. (His motive: “that you may know that I am the LORD.”) Exodus 10:2
He did not bargain with Pharaoh. He stated facts and His conditions were fair. all of the people in Egypt were affected by each plague. Pharaoh hardened his heart at the beginning then the LORD further hardened this Egyptian “god’s” heart.
When anyone hardens their heart toward the LORD and continues to do so, then the LORD will reach a point of further hardening their heart.
The Cycle
The LORD would call Moses and Aaron to talk to Pharaoh; then these two men of God would go into Pharaoh’s presence and ask for the Hebrews to be allowed to go into the wilderness to worship the LORD their God. When Pharaoh said no, they would tell the next plague that was coming tomorrow. The plague would happen, Pharaoh then called Moses and Aaron to come and ask for God to take away the plague. They would pray. And Pharaoh would once again harden his heart when the plague stopped.Locusts were the next plague to come on Egypt, covering the land, completing the devastation of the land. Pharaoh’s advisors were appalled and told Pharaoh, “… Do you not realize that Egypt is destroyed?” Exodus 10:7 The cycle was repeated once again.
What circumstances are in your life, right now? What battles are you fighting…today?
Pharaoh fought the LORD God, plague after plague, and continued to lose the battle royal.
Question: are the battles you are fighting, are they against God? If they are, you will not “win!”
~ Take it to heart ~
The LORD God never negotiates His purposes or will. Rather He asks, even pleads, with you to come to Him, to yield to Him and His ways for you. He is God!
(NASB) Romans 12:1 “Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.”
Are you fighting God Himself?