From what do you need to be delivered?
The LORD God, the Creator, the living God promised to bring the Hebrew slaves out from under the burden of slavery.
The LORD Himself would deliver them from their bondage.
What is your need, this moment? Do you need to be delivered from under the burdens of your circumstances?
It is the living LORD God who will deliver you from whatever is holding you in bondage.
Question we can ask: ‘From what do I need to be delivered, to be given freedom?’
The LORD God did not say how He would deliver the slaves from their oppressive circumstances. Deliver can also mean “rescue” and “save.”
Faith believes God and His words – His ways are for your best good. Do you trust the living God to deliver you, to rescue you, to save you from what is holding you in bondage?
When He shows you the next step, take it. You are to go forward with confidence in Him!
~ Take it to heart ~
Followers of Christ can live with confidence. Why?
“The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer,
My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge;
My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”
(NASB) Psalm 18:2