“…but they did not listen…”
Why do you not listen when someone is talking to you? Why do you shut others out? Is it because you are intent on what you will next say to them? Is it because you are depressed and under cruel bondage to sins?
How sad, when we stop listening to God.
Moses was sent by God to encourage the Hebrew slaves in Egypt.
The LORD revealed more of Who He is to the Hebrew slaves… “…but they did not listen…” Exodus 6:2-3
The LORD promised them a land that He had promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob hundreds of years before… “…but they did not listen…” Exodus 6:4
The LORD remembered His covenant and He heard the groaning of the Hebrew slaves…
“…but they did not listen…” Exodus 6:5The LORD Himself promised to deliver them by His power and with His judgments against the Egyptians… “…but they did not listen…” Exodus 6:6
The LORD God called the Hebrew slaves His people and promised to be their LORD God and promised to bring them out from under their burdens… “…but they did not listen…” Exodus 6:7
The LORD would use His authority and power to declare that the Promised Land would be given to the Hebrew slaves… “…but they did not listen…” Exodus 6:8
~ Take it to heart ~
The LORD God of the Holy Bible promises to free all people from their sins…for all who will have faith in Jesus as their Savior.
Do you have faith in the Lord Jesus as your Savior?
OR are you like the Hebrew slaves…
“…but I would not listen…”