There are people in need… will you go?
Moses was called by the living God of the Holy Bible to go back to Egypt. He was sent to deliver the sons of Israel out of slavery.
Where is the living God calling and sending you? How are you responding? There are people who need to know Jesus. There are people in need… will you go?
Moses responded by leaving the wilderness, returning to his father-in-law and asked his permission to go to Egypt. How did Jethro, his father-in-law respond? “Go in peace.”
Exodus 4:18The LORD told Moses to go to Egypt because those who had wanted to execute him were dead. Exodus 4:19
Where is the LORD telling you to go because the way has been cleared for you?
Moses used available transportation… donkeys! He took his wife and two sons along with his shepherd’s staff… what a way to travel to Egypt. Exodus 4:20
What transportation do you use every day to go where God tells you to go? I would imagine it is not on the back of a donkey!
No matter how we travel, we need to go where God calls and sends us. There are people in need of God’s words.
Isaiah saw the LORD sitting on a throne in heaven… he heard the heavenly chorus; he saw the majesty of God…
(NASB) Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?’ Then I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’”
Moses met the LORD God face to face in the wilderness. He spoke to Moses and Moses knew he needed to go to a place where he was uncomfortable.
Where has the LORD called and sent you? Are you out of your comfort level? Great! You get to depend on God!
The people God sends you to – they need to hear about Him. Will you choose to be faithful in giving out His true words?
~ Take it to heart ~
There are people in need… will you go?