The Anger of the LORD
When you become angry, what do your actions reveal? Do they reveal immaturity? Do your actions show revenge? When you are cut off in traffic, what do you do? Is your “hot” button pushed?
When your children go against what you have said, how do you react to them?
When your boss belittles you, how do you respond? Most people would ‘take it’ and then take their anger out on someone else.
You know what sparks your anger… and you know where that leads!
The LORD’S anger is so different from yours and mine. We seek revenge, getting even, retaliation, or we yell and fight. How do you handle your anger?
How did the LORD respond to Moses arguing with Him?
(NASB) Exodus 4:14 “Then the anger of the LORD burned against Moses…”
The Amplified Bible translates it this way, “Then the anger of the LORD blazed against Moses…”
Wow, It looked like Moses should be toast! He was a ‘goner.’ God’s anger was triggered when Moses argued with Him!
But that is not what happened. Even though God was really angry with Moses… He did not sin!
Tomorrow’s devotional will be about what God did say to Moses, even though He was angry; blazingly angry at Moses’ words. Yet, God did not sin!
~ Take it to heart ~
The LORD God tells us how we are to “handle” our anger…
(NASB) Ephesians 4;26 “BE ANGRY, AND yet DO NOT SIN; do not let the sun go down on your anger.”