Moses was quite honest with the LORD.  He knew he was not an eloquent speaker – not in the past and not at the time God called him to go to Egypt.  Moses knew he was slow of speech and tongue.  (Exodus 4:10)  Some people believe he stuttered when he talked.

The LORD asked Moses some questions in Exodus 4:11.
1- Who made the mouth of people?
2- Who makes people mute or deaf?
3- Who makes people seeing or blind?
4- “Is it not I, the LORD?”

Then the LORD assured Moses of what He would do for him in Exodus 4:12.
1- Go, I will be your God.
2- I will teach you what you are to say.

Moses dared to argue with God!
(Amplified) Exodus 4:13 “And he said, Oh, my Lord, I pray You, send the hand of [some other] whom You will [send].”

Do you question where God is sending you?
Do you doubt God’s ability to use you for His glory?
Do you dare to argue with God?  Moses did… and he showed his immature faith.
Do you disagree with God?
Are you arguing with God about what He wants to do through your life?

Moses had a ways to go to fully trust the LORD.  Do you?
When you argue with God, what is that revealing about your faith in Him?

Moses became a great man of great faith in God.
Later in his life, Moses wrote Psalm 90.  It is a prayer of faith in the living Creator, the LORD God of the Holy Bible.

(NASB) Psalm 90:1-2LORD, YOU have been our dwelling place in all generations.
2 Before the mountains were born
Or You gave birth to the earth and the world,
Even from everlasting to everlasting You are God.”

~ Take it to heart ~

Be faithful to God who is faithful to you.
Be available to God and His ways for you.
Be teachable under the great Teacher, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Be growing in your faith ~ Moses did.