If you are deeply desiring to do what God says for you to do – and you come up with, ‘But, what if…’

What if… is valid when we are searching for God’s will in our lives.

Moses asked the LORD a ‘what if…’ question when God called him to go to Egypt and deliver the Hebrews from slavery.

(NASB) Exodus 4:1 “Then Moses said, ‘What if they will not believe me or listen to what I say?  For they may say, ‘The LORD has not appeared to you.’”

That would be a dilemma and an honest question.  Perhaps you are in the midst of having to make a decision about what you are to do in a specific area of your life.

Doing a good work is commendable, but not if God wants you doing something else. Then it’s disobedience, isn’t that true?

How can we know what God wants of us?  When we have no doubts about God’s will for us, we can go forward with confidence.

Ask God to search your motives…
“Search me, O LORD, and know my heart;
Try me and know my anxious thoughts;
24 And see if there be any hurtful way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way.”
(NASB) Psalm 139:23-24

Is what you are considering in line with God and His word – search the Scriptures.  Seek God’s confirmation or His “no” to you at this time through specific Bible passages.

Are you in prayer about the situation?  Ask God for His will for you.

Do your circumstances line up with your decision?  Or are you forcing the issue?

Have you received godly counsel?  What does your spouse say?  Or do you have a reliable person you can count on to give you straight forward advice?

Do you have peace with your decision?  The inner peace which comes from God confirms you are moving in the right direction.

~ Take it to heart ~

(NASB) Proverbs 3:26 “For the LORD will be your confidence
And will keep your foot from being caught.”

Therefore, after making a decision which lines up with the above criteria;
Go forward with confidence, without a doubt of your being in God’s will!