Wouldn’t it be great to have a new beginning?  So many times we “mess up” and need to have the slate wiped clean.  But there are always consequences which have to be dealt with when we “mess up.”

Good news!  Jesus came to save His people from their sins, their “mess ups!”  There are consequences which need to be faced, but when Jesus is our Savior, He is working in our behalf; therefore, we have freedom to go on from our “mess ups”.  He changes us in our circumstances.  He doesn’t always change the circumstances.

There was a severe famine in the days of Joseph.  He was second in command to Pharaoh and his father and brothers and their families came to Egypt at the invitation of Pharaoh.

When they arrived, Joseph set up a meeting between his family and Pharaoh; he told his brothers the protocol and how to approach Pharaoh.

“Listen” to the formality and respectful exchange between Pharaoh, Joseph and his brothers.

(NASB) Genesis 47:1-6 “THEN JOSEPH went in and told Pharaoh and said, ‘My father and my brothers and their flocks and their herds and all that they have, have come out of the land of Canaan; and behold, they are in the land of Goshen.’
2 He took five men from among his brothers and presented them to Pharaoh.
3 Then Pharaoh said to his brothers, ‘What is your occupation?’ So they said to Pharaoh, ‘Your servants are shepherds, both we and our fathers.’
4 They said to Pharaoh, ‘We have come to sojourn in the land, for there is no pasture for your servants’ flocks, for the famine is severe in the land of Canaan.  Now, therefore, please let your servants live in the land of Goshen.’
Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, ‘Your father and your brothers have come to you.
6 ‘The land of Egypt is at your disposal; settle your father and your brothers in the best of the land, let them live in the land of Goshen; and if you know any capable men among them, then put them in charge of my livestock.’”

It was a new beginning for Jacob-Israel (Joseph’s father) and his brothers and their families.

2018 is a new beginning for people everywhere.  No matter where you live, it is a new beginning.  Perhaps your “new year” began at a different date, no matter; you have an opportunity for a new beginning.

~ Take it to heart ~

Followers of Christ – in 2018 we are to begin each day by following Jesus, our Savior.  He said:

(NASB) Luke 9:23 “… ‘If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.”

Where does your will cross the will of God?

That is your cross, to yield to Him, to follow Him each day of 2018.

Begin each day with Him.