Have you moved recently?  We moved this past year from an apartment to a small home.  We did need a few things to add to our “stuff.”  My spouse was good to warn me – we have enough – don’t be adding “stuff” beyond what we need.

Real needs are often completely different from desires or wants.

In the days of Joseph, Pharaoh graciously invited Joseph’s family to live in Egypt because there would be five more years of severe famine.

Pharaoh said they were not to bring their “stuff” to Egypt, but only themselves and their flocks and herds.  Joseph’s family in Canaan was to be moving on… and leaving out unnecessary “stuff.”  (Genesis 45:16-20)

~ Take it to heart ~

We have three more days until we celebrate Jesus Christ’s birth… let’s be ready to move on in the coming year without adding the burden of more “stuff” in our lives.

[Tomorrow, December 23, there will be an additional devotional]