Followers of Christ… how has the Lord convinced you of Who He is?  Has He used another person in your life?  Perhaps He used your circumstances to cause you to cry out to Him to be your Savior.  Each person reading this devotional will have a unique story to tell.  It is wonderful that our God sees us as individuals… He knows how we will best respond to Him.

People who knew you twenty plus years ago, would they see the changes God has worked in your life?  That is convincing testimony of God your Savior… proof the living God is a reality in your life.

In a few days, followers of Christ will be celebrating His birth in Bethlehem – Rejoice!  His birth is proof that He came to live among us, to give us a future and a hope.

Joseph was thought to be dead.  And he was to his eleven brothers and father… for twenty plus years.  How would he convince his brothers that he was really Joseph, their brother?

The following proofs come from Genesis 45:3-15
1st Proof: his declaration of “I am Joseph!”

2nd Proof: he revealed what they knew as fact – “I am your brother Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt.”

3rd Proof: he revealed his faith in God, at work in all of his life – “…God sent me before you to preserve life.”

4th Proof: he told them that the past two years of famine would continue for five more years.

5th Proof: he encouraged them, “God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant in the earth, and to keep you alive by a great deliverance.”

6th Proof: he credited God for sending him to Egypt; it was God who gave him the position second only to Pharaoh in power and authority.

7th Proof: he gave them a future and a hope – he invited his family to come to Egypt to live, the brothers’ families and their father.

8th Proof: Joseph himself, standing with the eleven brothers in a closed room – revealed facts which they knew were true.

9th Proof: he told his brothers to tell their father of Joseph’s splendor in Egypt, to convince their father to come to Egypt.

10th Proof: his emotions toward his brother Benjamin… weeping and giving manly hugs to him.

11th Proof: his love for his brothers shown through the manly kisses he gave each of them.

These proofs were given by Joseph… “and afterward his brothers talked with him.”

~ Take it to heart ~

Is your life a convincing testimony to others that God is indeed alive and at work – changing your life?

Proof: Obedience to God and His words will change your life and mine.  And others will notice.