Erroneous assumptions may cause fear to be in control.

What is driving your thoughts today?  What are your thoughts toward others and what do you believe to be true?  Perhaps truth is distorted in a strained relationship.

Erroneous assumptions can cause consternation, fear, anger, resentment, jealousy, divisions, parting of friends and family.

Joseph’s ten older brothers made some erroneous assumptions concerning “the man” who would sell them grain in Egypt.  They did not recognize their brother, Joseph.  They thought he had died many years before through their own actions.

When the brothers brought Benjamin to Egypt, Joseph asked his steward to bring all the men to his house and prepare a meal for them at noon.  (Genesis 43:16)

The men were brought to Joseph’s house – nothing in the Bible tells about the luxury in which Joseph probably lived since he was second in command to Pharaoh himself.  (Genesis 43:17)

The men were afraid, very afraid.  They made some erroneous assumptions due to their circumstances.  Nothing in the Bible is said about their being overwhelmed with the beauty of Joseph’s house.  It does say they were afraid.  Why would they be filled with fear?  Because of the money that was returned in their sacks the first time they went to Egypt for grain.  That would be reason enough for “the man” to take them into custody and imprison them as slaves along with their donkeys.
(Genesis 43:18)

Have you found that assumptions are almost never accurate?  And so it was with these brothers.

Walking by faith is living by faith in the living Almighty God of the Holy Bible.  He is greater than my paltry assumptions…

I am not to look at my circumstances or people through my perception of reality… especially those who cause me sorrow/grief.  My erroneous assumptions are, most of the time, false and misleading.

~ Take it to Heart ~

I am to look at my circumstances through eyes of faith in God Himself.

He is All-powerful ~ Omnipotent!
He is All-seeing ~ Omniscient!
He is Always present ~ Omnipresent!