Are you… Walking with God
God said of Noah: he was a righteous man, a man of integrity, a man who was morally upright among the wicked in the world.
God recognized Noah to be blameless in his generation. His generation was depraved, corrupt and violent. (Genesis 6:11)
What is the key to Noah’s character?
The answer: he walked with God.
(NASB) Genesis 6:9 “These are the records of the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his time; Noah walked with God.”
Are you… righteous?
Could God say the same of you as He does Noah? Are you righteous from God’s perspective? Not righteous from your own, or others perspective of you.
Self-righteousness is offensive… it is sin.
Are you… blameless?
Does God recognize that you are blameless in your generation, in this time?There is only one way to be righteous and blameless in the sight of God. Knowing and having the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Redeemer, this is righteousness in the sight of God.
Jesus lived a life without sinning and He pleased His Father. He died on the cross for my sins and yours. He suffered the wrath of God for our sins. Faith in Jesus is the only way that the living God of the Holy Bible considers me or you as being righteous and blameless.
Jesus said: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” (NASB John 14:6)
Are you… walking with God?
Do you intentionally spend time in prayer and reading/studying God’s words in the Holy Bible each day? Thinking ahead: go to bed earlier and get up earlier to begin your day with God. Five minutes is better than no minutes. Perhaps you are one who considers a half an hour the ‘right’ amount of time with the Lord… don’t let your schedule dictate your time with the Lord. Don’t let your perceptions of the ‘right amount of time’ keep you from even a few minutes intentionally in His presence.
Does the living God say (my name) is righteous from His point of view?
Does the living God say (my name) is blameless in His sight?
Does the living God say (my name) is walking with Him – each and every day?
If your answers are yes, yes and yes – then praise Him!
If any of your answers are no – turn to God, seek Him and His way of life for you through faith in His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
~ Take it to heart ~
Are you… Walking with God?