4 Lessons Concerning Giving
The Corinthian church promised to generously give toward a financial collection to be sent to the suffering believers in Jerusalem.
Paul wanted these brothers and sisters to make good on their promise, to keep their commitment.
(NASB) 2 Corinthians 9:7 “Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
Lesson 1 – Giving honestly
Whatever I decide to give to further God’s work in any one area – I am to stay true to that decision.
Lesson 2 – Giving generously
I am not to give the amount I decided upon with clenched jaw and with a clenched fist. I am not to give reluctantly or with sorrow. I am to give what I said I would give – with a generous attitude.
Lesson 3 – Giving freely
I am not to give what I decided upon as if another were forcing me to give. I was not under compulsion when I made the decision and I am not under compulsion as if being oppressed.
I am to offer freely the amount I committed to giving.
Lesson 4 – Giving cheerfully
God loves a cheerful giver. Whatever I decide on giving – I am to give with a cheerful attitude – an attitude which expresses the joy of giving for God’s glory. God is glorified when I give toward other believers’ real needs. Promptness in doing God’s will meets others needs and glorifies Almighty God.
My inner attitude matters to God.
~ Take it to heart ~
Whenever you give – whether financially, time, good deeds, good words, remember…
Four lessons:
Giving honestly –
Giving generously –
Giving freely –
Giving cheerfully!