Whenever anyone, anyone, needs discipline or to be reprimanded, we are to speak the truth in love.

Attitudes, conduct, words, etc. reveal our motives and what we really think.

God Himself demonstrated this truth by giving His Son as a sacrifice for us.  Through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ… we experience forgiveness when we repent of not obeying God and His will and/or His words.

How God must rejoice when we respond to His discipline which leads us to be more like Christ.  His purpose is for our best – today, tomorrow and into eternity.
How great is that?!

Paraphrase of 2 Corinthians 7:13-15
Paul’s 2nd letter to the Corinthian church expressed how he was comforted when Titus came back with their response to being disciplined by Paul.
Paul rejoiced because of what Titus said – Titus was refreshed by the changed attitudes and lives of the people who were the church in Corinth.

Paul stated he was not ashamed of that congregation… they had repented and it showed!
Paul boasted in those followers of Christ and his boasting was not in vain.  They had responded to his reprimand by repenting.  Repentance is turning from sinful actions and turning to the living God.

Titus had deep affection for those believers – he had great memories of God’s people obediently obeying God’s word, God’s will, God’s way.
Titus was there and saw first hand the humility of those people.

What about us?  Are we obedient in doing God’s word, God’s will, God’s way?

~ Take it to heart ~

  How the living God must be comforted when I respond to His loving discipline.
His purposes for me are for my best – today, tomorrow and into eternity.
How great is that?!