God’s Grace
All followers of Christ received the grace of God when we asked Jesus to forgive us of our sins. When we received Jesus as our Savior – we were given God’s grace.
Jesus is the only One to whom we can go and ask forgiveness – there is none other person who can forgive us before God the Father.
Jesus alone died on a cross, taking our places, receiving our punishment for our sins. No other person has ever done that.
Jesus – His name means: “He will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21
God’s grace means benevolence, favor. God’s grace is given without money or being “good enough” or the need of penance or good works. God’s grace is unearned, undeserved and unmerited.
God’s grace is given freely to all who believe in Jesus as Savior.
Faith, personal faith in the living God is being sure of God’s promises and being convinced of what cannot be seen – yet! (Hebrews 11:1)
Reflect on God’s grace for you.
Bask in the promise of God’s benevolence and favor given to you.
Do receive the grace of God for His purpose in your life.
(NIV) 2 Corinthians 6:1 “AS GOD’S fellow workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain.”
~ Take it to heart ~
God’s grace is His merciful kindness. He works His holy influence on individuals and turns them to Christ.
Followers of Christ we have the responsibility to be fellow workers in the harvest fields which are ripe for harvest.