A Virgin “will be with child.”
Prophecy: “Behold a virgin will be with child…”
(NASB) Isaiah 7:14
Fulfillment: “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit.”
(NASB) Matthew 1:18
How did this come about? In the book of Luke 1:26-38, we are told that the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a virgin in the little town of Nazareth. The virgin’s name was Mary and she was engaged to Joseph. Both of them were from the lineage of David.
Jesus was conceived by God the Holy Spirit – this is why He is Fully God.
Jesus was born of Mary – this is why He is Fully Man.
God foretold hundred’s of years before that a virgin would have a son and she was to call Him Immanuel. [“God with us.”]
God fulfilled His promise in His time and for His purpose.Jesus Christ came to give life to anyone who places their faith in Him. He is Immanuel. He is God our Savior.
He was born of a virgin and her name was Mary.
He was the fulfillment of God’s promise made through the prophet Isaiah. Amazing! Nothing is impossible with God!
~ Take it to heart ~
God’s plan included me. Amazing! Nothing is impossible with God.
Jesus Christ is Immanuel. God with me!
God’s promise and purpose included me!
He knew I would need Him in my life today… right now… right here!