~ Be Thankful ~
~Be Thankful~
Being thankful is a sacrificial action… and one commanded by God.
(NASB) Leviticus 7:12 “If he (the priest) offers it by way of thanksgiving, then along with the sacrifice of thanksgiving…”
In the Old Testament, priests were to offer sacrifices of thanksgiving by using unleavened cakes and other items.
(NASB) Psalm 26:7 “That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving
And declare all Your wonders.”
We are to proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving. We are to speak out loud so others can hear!
Thanking God for all His wonders… have I thought about His wonders recently?
Sending His Son to die for my sins! Thanksgiving!
Raising His Son from the grave! Thanksgiving!
The living Lord Jesus ascended and took His rightful place at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven! Thanksgiving!
The Lord Jesus is coming again! Thanksgiving!
This Jesus is my Savior! Thanksgiving!
~ Take it to heart ~
(NASB) Hebrews 13:15 “Through Him (Jesus Christ) then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name.”
Thanksgiving… Offering God a sacrifice of gratitude and praise.