Open Doors of Opportunity
What if … total dependence on God was absolutely essential? And it is, whether we recognize our need or not.
What if … there were no cell phone service available, no land lines working; and not even an internet connection? Catastrophic circumstances would be a dilemma for all of us. How would we communicate?
With the advent of technology and with more and more information available on our cell phones and the internet – are we totally dependent on the living God or do we depend on our instant communication abilities?
For most of history, people did not have phones of any kind and certainly did not have the internet. They depended on travel to see people and also available were mail routes of some kind.
(NASB) 2 Corinthians 2:12 “Now when I came to Troas for the gospel of Christ and when a door was opened for me in the Lord… ”
God opened a door for Paul and he went forward.
God opens doors for us and we are to go forward… one step at a time. After we do our part and go through the open door of opportunity, He then directs our next step.
(NASB) 2 Corinthians 2:13 “… I had no rest for my spirit, not finding Titus my brother; but taking my leave of them, I went on to Macedonia.”
Paul faced a dilemma. Remember, texting wasn’t available then.
1. A man he expected to meet with in Troas wasn’t there.
2. He explained that he had “no rest for my spirit.”
What did he do? He traveled on.We can know without a doubt God has opened a door of opportunity and we walk through it but may not have peace, have no rest of our spirit. Doubt can easily overtake us, disappointment and possibly despair. What is going on? We know God opened the door — but we need to keep moving on.
We are to depend on God as we go through open doors of opportunity. Do we know what we will find on the other side of that door? Not really. Faith in God will determine our next step. We need to be flexible and not depend on our assumptions of God’s next step for us.
~ Take it to heart ~
(NASB) Romans 1:1 “Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God.”
All followers of Christ are called to do just that! Follow! I am set apart for the gospel of God. When a door of opportunity opens, I am to walk through it, and continue to be dependent on God and His leading.
The living God is in control of where He wants me to go and I am to trust Him … period.