Called to Believe and Trust God
The will of God is sovereign – He chooses leaders for His people. And He chose Saul of Tarsus to become Paul the apostle.
(NASB) 2 Corinthians 1:1 “PAUL, AN apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God…”Saul’s persecution of Christians
Saul was on a mission to annihilate followers of Christ. He put men and women in jail in Jerusalem. Then he received permission to persecute and imprison believers in Christ as far away as Damascus.Saul’s turning to God by believing Jesus Christ
Jesus intentionally met Saul on the road to Damascus. In the wise timing of God, Saul met the risen and ascended Son of God, Jesus. Dramatic? Yes! Timely? Yes! Life-changing? Yes!
(Acts 9:1-22)Saul had an abrupt change of direction because of the encounter with the living Lord Jesus.
Saul, the persecutor, became Paul, the apostle of Jesus Christ.In 1968 my direction was changed when I asked Jesus to be my Savior. Over the years, He has guided me, taught me and is teaching me still. How about you?
Can you say the same thing? ‘I have changed direction from going my own way; I am being led by Jesus day by day. I am being taught by the living Lord Jesus Christ when I read His words in the Holy Bible.’
If you cannot say the above but want to know more about Jesus as your Savior, go to the top of this devotional to the tab “Resources” then to “God’s Plan of Salvation.”
My prayer is for all who read these devotionals to know Jesus as Savior and Lord. To be daily growing in the knowledge of God and by obedience following where Jesus leads you.
~ Take it to heart ~
How do I respond to God’s words? How am I responding to the call of Jesus in my life?
Saul had a choice and he chose to listen and obey by faith in Jesus Christ.
I, too, have a choice to listen to God and then obey by faith in Jesus Christ.
(NASB) Acts 4:12 “And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.”
How will I respond to God’s words?