Godly Leaders
Spiritual leadership in the church is important. God says to obey godly leaders by yielding to their leadership.
Does that mean following with our eyes closed? No, for our leaders are responsible before God to obey Him. We are not to be blind to what we see and deaf to what we hear. We too, are responsible to discern godly leadership from false leaders.
(Amplified Bible) Hebrews 13:17 “Obey your spiritual leaders and submit to them [continually recognize their authority over you], for they are constantly keeping watch over your souls and guarding your spiritual welfare, as men who will have to render an account [of their trust]. [Do your part to] let them do this with gladness and not with sighing and groaning, for that would not be profitable to you [either].
Spiritual leadership responsibility
Godly leaders are responsible to watch over those they are leading, not only for spiritual nurturing, also the mind, emotions and will (the soul) of individuals. This requires a continual concern for the whole health of individuals. With this requirement comes the responsibility to pray for each person. This calls for personal contact, love and did I mention prayer?Spiritual leadership is a heavy responsibility from God.
(NASB) Isaiah 62:6 “On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen;
All day and all night they will never keep silent…”
(NASB) Acts 20:28 “Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.”
I have not been called by God to lead a church; yet, I am responsible to the spiritual leaders over me.
I am to cooperate with their godly leadership. I am to remember that I am not to follow others blindly but with alertness to God and His leading.My response to godly leadership will either give them joy or grief. If grief, this is not to my profit or good. My response will influence others around me – what is my attitude toward godly leadership? Does it need to be changed because it is not pleasing to my God? How is my attitude affecting the church in which I worship?
~ Take it to heart ~
I am to pray for the godly spiritual leaders in my church, praying for their personal spiritual growth.
I am to pray for spiritual leaders love and care for their “flock,” (their congregation).
I am to pray for the congregation; that we would deepen our love and commitment for God and for each other.
I am to pray that the spiritual leaders and the congregation keep their priorities according to God’s word.
To keep God – first; Family – second; Jobs – third.