Pursue Sanctification
The first step to be “born again” is to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the One Who saves us from our sins, saves us from the wrath of God for our sins and saves us for eternal life in heaven. Only Jesus has died for our sins. Only Jesus has paid the total price for our wrongs. Jesus did not use an installment plan when He went to the cross. He paid our sin debt – one time – for everyone.
The first step is being saved.
(NASB) Romans 6:22 “But now having been freed from sin…”
Being freed from the bondage of sin in our lives is by faith in the Lord Jesus as our Savior, the first step.The second step is on-going – it is called sanctification. What does “sanctification” mean? That is a big word and something Christians say.
Sanctification means holiness before the living God of the Holy Bible. Sanctify means to be set apart to God.
(NASB) Romans 6:22 “…and enslaved to God, you derive your benefit, resulting in sanctification…”
Your present reward (what you get as your benefit) for being sanctified – you are being set apart to God – a holy sacrificial obedience to the living God. It is on-going…it is a reality, a fact of life for the Christian.
Saved – Sanctified – what is the outcome?
(NASB) Romans 6:22 “…and the outcome, eternal life.”
The end product, the end result, the outcome for being saved through faith in Jesus Christ is eternal life.
Take it to heart ~
To see the Lord – we must be sanctified! To be sanctified (set apart to God) means we are first saved by faith in Jesus Christ.
Pursue – follow closely – keep your eyes fixed on Jesus as God your Savior.
Day by day – step by step – pursue sanctification by obeying God and His word to you through the Holy Bible.
(NIV) 2 Thessalonians 2:13 “But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because from the beginning God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth.”
Pursue Sanctification
(NASB) Hebrews 12:14 “…(pursue) the sanctification (the consecration and holiness of God)
without which no one will see the Lord.”