Keep Jesus First
Whenever you become discouraged and/or depressed, what does the living God say you are to do? Fix your eyes on Jesus…turn your thoughts to Him.
Consider Jesus: He endured hostility, bitter hostility, by those without faith in Him. He endured for their sins.
Your discouragement, your depression is suffering…it is real. Many times we may attempt to overcome discouragement and/or depression through unhealthy ways. Turn to God and His ways of dealing with your needs. He may use the medical community to help you.
Followers of Christ – turn to God through faith in Jesus, your Savior. He is your Savior!
He understands your hurts and sorrows and needs. Even when you feel hopeless and helpless, turn to Jesus…wait for Him. Don’t quit, don’t “throw in the towel,” don’t give up on Jesus.
Keep Jesus first in your day, in your thoughts, in your heart.
Take it to heart ~
Turn your thoughts from whatever distracts you and turn your attention to Jesus. Keep Jesus first.
The righteous person will live by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Keep Jesus first.
(NASB) Hebrews 12:3 “For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Keep Jesus first.