By Faith ~ shut the mouths of lions
(NASB) Hebrews 11:33 “who by faith…shut the mouths of lions…”
Samson – Judges 14:5-6
A young lion came roaring toward him, the Spirit of the Lord came on Samson and he literally tore that lion apart with his bare hands. His great strength came from the Lord…at the right time.By faith – you also can do amazing feats of strength when the Spirit of the Lord is involved in your situation. It is God’s strength, not your own that will give you victory.
Samson’s faith must have greatly grown after that encounter. Whenever you have victory, your faith will be strengthened.
David – 1 Samuel 17:34-35
While tending sheep, the shepherd David defended the sheep. One time it was a lion that attacked the sheep and tried carrying off a lamb. David killed the lion. Another time a bear grabbed a lamb and again, David killed the bear.By faith – David was a responsible shepherd, he protected the sheep. By faith, you also are called to protect what the Lord God has given you to guard.
Daniel – Daniel 6:22
Daniel prayed three times a day to the living God. His enemies wanted him…dead. So they contrived a way to discredit him and at the same time get rid of him. A decree was given to worship only the king for 30 days. Of course Daniel did not do that. He was “caught” praying to the Lord God and taken before the king. King Darius was greatly saddened because he thought highly of this valuable man. There was no way out; Daniel was thrown into the pit with the lions. The king fasted and stayed awake all night with the belief that Daniel’s God would keep him safe. “Your God whom you constantly serve will Himself deliver you.” (Daniel 6:16)At dawn the king went hurriedly to the lions’ den. When he called out to Daniel, Daniel answered!
(NASB) Daniel 6:22 “My God sent His angel and shut the lions’ mouths and they have not harmed me, inasmuch as I was found innocent before Him; and also toward you, O king, I have committed no crimes.”Daniel was brought out of the lions’ den and those responsible for Daniel’s sentence were thrown into the den along with their wives and children. (Daniel 6)
By faith – Daniel was protected from certain death.
Take it to heart ~
By faith – this same living God will protect you in His way, His timing and for His purposes. As you read the Scripture know that it is true for you.
(NIV) Psalm 31:23-24 “Love the Lord, all His saints!
The Lord preserves the faithful,
but the proud he pays back in full.
24 Be strong and take heart,
all you who hope in the Lord.”
By faith ~ be encouraged!
Trust the living Lord God of the Holy Bible.