By Faith ~ David
(NASB) Hebrews 11:32-33 “And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell…of David…” 33 “who by faith…”
David is known as Israel’s greatest king. Why? Because God chose him and anointed with the Holy Spirit. God knew David’s heart and that his confidence was in the living God.
Chosen by God
(NASB) 1 Samuel 16:1 “THE LORD said to Samuel, ‘How long will you grieve over Saul, since I have rejected him from being king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and go; I will send you to Jesse the Bethlehemite, for I have selected a king for Myself among his sons.”Israel’s first king, Saul, turned from God and God rejected him. Now the last judge of Israel and a prophet, Samuel, was to anoint another as king.
God looks at the heart
(NASB) 1 Samuel 16:7 “But the Lord said to Samuel…“for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”Samuel did not know who God had chosen, so he asked Jesse to see his sons. One by one, beginning with the oldest, they came and stood before Samuel. Seven sons and none were chosen by God. Finally Samuel asked Jesse if he had any more sons…yes, he did, the youngest and he was herding sheep. Samuel said, “Send for him…” David came.
(1 Samuel 16:1-12)The Lord knows your heart, your inmost thoughts toward the living God. What does He know that others do not? Perhaps you need to confess what is not pleasing to God. Are you growing in your faith in Him?
Remember: “the Lord looks at the heart.”
Anointed with the Holy Spirit of God
(NASB) 1 Samuel 16:13 “Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward…”Samuel anointed David king of Israel. It would be many years before he actually led Israel or sat on Israel’s throne. In that time the Lord God prepared David for his future responsibilities. The Lord does not look at our physical attributes, the brilliance of our minds, our social positions, or our education. God looks at our heart.
God chose and anointed David with the Holy Spirit. Today, when Jesus Christ is received into our hearts as our Savior, we are anointed with the same Holy Spirit of God!
It is the work of Jesus which saves us from our sins. It is the sacrificial blood of Jesus that takes the blackness of our sins and washes us and makes us pure within. Faith in Jesus…Forgiven! Cleansed! Washed whiter than fresh-fallen snow!
Faith in Jesus – gives us confidence.
Take it to heart ~
David lived with confidence in God. He was chosen by God, anointed by the Holy Spirit and called to be king.
Do you live with confidence in God ~ each day? If you have asked Jesus to be your Savior, you are chosen by God, anointed by the Holy Spirit of God and called to follow Jesus.
(NASB) 2 Corinthians 5:7 “for we live by faith, not by sight –”