By Faith ~ Jephthah
(NASB) Hebrews 11:32-33 “And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell of…Jephthah…” 33 “who by faith…”
Jephthah’s mother was a prostitute. Gilead, his father was married to a woman who had sons. When the boys were grown, they told Jephthah to leave, he would have no inheritance with them because he was illegitimate. Jephthah went to another country and a group of worthless men joined him. (Judges 11:1-3)
Later the elders from Gilead found and asked Jephthah to lead their army into battle against their enemy. They promised him when he conquered the enemy he would become their leader.
Jephthah’s faith was in the Lord God to give the victory. The basis of his consent to lead Israel was on the Lord and not the people. (Judges 11:4-11)
Jephthah’s first step was communicating with the enemy then finding out their grievance. Jephthah attempted to reason with Israel’s enemies based on their actions and the land the Lord God gave to Israel. His faith was in God as Judge. The enemies ignored the logic and proof that Israel was correct and they wrong.
(Judges 11:12-28)
Jephthah and Israel won those battles. (Judges 11:32-33)Jephthah’s faith was in the living God. His faith was based on God’s past actions and his decisions were based on the actions of Israel’s enemies.
Are you reading and studying the Old Testament and the New Testament? As you read the Bible, are you learning that God is faithful?
The Bible reveals God’s actions in the past. He is the same God today as He was in the far distant past and He will be the same into the future.
He is worthy to receive your confidence and faith this day.
Take it to heart ~
Where is your faith, is it on the God of the Holy Bible and the proofs of His past actions?
(NASB) Lamentations 3:22-24 “The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
24 ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul,
‘Therefore I have hope in Him.”
Where is your hope?
God is faithful and His mercies are new – every morning!