By Faith ~ Barak needed encouragement
(NASB) Hebrews 11:32 “And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell…of Barak…”
In the days of the judges, God called a woman named Deborah to lead Israel. Not only was she a judge she was also a prophetess and a wife. She summoned Barak to head up an army in Israel to fight against their enemies. (Judges 4:4-7)
Barak agreed, if she would go with them. Deborah warned him that is she did so, the commander of the enemies armies would be conquered by a woman. And that commander was killed by the hand of a woman. (Judges 4:9, 17-22)
Barak’s faith was in God; however, he needed encouragement and his faith bolstered by another.
Can you identify with Barak? Your faith is in the living God but your confidence needs strengthening by others. Their faith in God gives you confidence and comfort as you move forward.
Barak was not a typical hero…but he was committed to doing what he was commanded to do.
Heroes do wonderful and extraordinary things and are highly valued. Some are even put on pedestals in people’s thinking to the point of almost being worshiped. (Remember: heroes are people and all people will fail at some point. Be careful how you think of and treat a hero.)
Heroes are people who need encouragement and support.
Barak assembled an army and led it into a successful battle. He was the right man for the job. Barak depended on the presence of Deborah to bolster him.
Barak did what he was asked to do…and he is considered a hero in this Hebrews chapter of faith.
Take it to heart ~
Who do you need to encourage and come along side? It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, someone needs your encouragement.
If someone encourages you, accept it. Let encouragement increase and build your faith in God.
(NASB) 1 Thessalonians 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build up one another…”