By Faith ~ Gideon became…
Fear and anxieties and cowardice – all could describe Gideon. Does that describe you?
The Lord took Gideon’s fears, anxieties and cowardice and developed him into a valiant warrior. God led Gideon against enemies which greatly outnumbered Israel.
From fear, anxieties and cowardice the Lord God grows and develops us to become valiant against our enemies. The Lord knew what Gideon needed so he could be God’s man doing God’s work against Israel’s enemies.
The Lord God can take your fears, anxieties and cowardice replacing them with a believing heart and actions of faith in your present situation. It is not your valiant efforts or bravery that overcomes your enemies, it is God alone.
The angel of the Lord called fear-filled, cowering Gideon and told him that he would become a valiant warrior.
Gideon’s response showed faith in God, as tiny as that faith was. Your faith in God may be teeny tiny…but God can grow your faith in Him, if you turn to Him in belief.
(Judges 6:1-13)God’s purpose for Gideon – deliver Israel from the power and oppression of their enemies. (Judges 6:14-16)
Gideon responded to God and you can read about his growing faith in Judges 6-8.Seeming impossibilities are not impossible for the power of God – He is greater.
Yielding to the living God is to not give into your doubts and fears. God is greater than your doubts, your fears, your anxieties and your enemies. Trusting the living God is to go forward by faith in His words.
(NASB) Hebrews 11:32 “And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell of Gideon…”
The Lord God uses various personalities to accomplish His will, His way. Gideon was an unlikely hero, but he became a hero of faith. His faith was in the God of the Bible.
Take it to heart ~
(NASB) Matthew 17:20 “…if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”
Your faith may be as small as a mustard seed…but faith in the living God is required. You too can become a man or woman of great faith in God.
Never underestimate God – He is greater than your fears, your anxieties and yes, even your cowardice. God can take you from little faith to great faith – by faith (your name) becomes….victorious.
(NASB) Luke 1:37 “For nothing will be impossible with God.”