By Faith ~ walls fall down
By obeying God’s words, walls fell down.
The walls of Jericho were strong against an enemies attack. They were built to protect and to withstand wars. Yet, they fell down without an arrow shot, without a spear thrown or a battering ram pounding the gates.The Lord God has unlimited ways to conquer and He was mightily at work for the people of Israel. They were not trained to fight as an army yet; they had been slaves doing the work of slaves.
(Joshua 6:2-5)Not arrow, spear or battering ram was used against the mighty walls of Jericho. Only the trampling feet of at least 1 million Hebrews were used by God. Can you imagine looking down from the walls that surrounded Jericho and watching, for six days, this multitude walking around outside the walls? Then on the seventh day, they walked around seven times, gave a loud shout and the walls fell flat…without a shot fired.
Doing God’s work, God’s way will always mean doing thing’s differently.
Doing God’s work, God’s way does bring walls down, at times in unexpected ways.
(NASB) Hebrews 11:30 “By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they had been encircled for seven days.”
Would you have ever thought that simply walking around outside the walls of Jericho would cause them to fall?
Take it to heart ~
What is God asking you to do that seems unspectacular and even weak?
(NIV) Romans 1:17 “…‘The righteous will live by faith.’”
The righteous will live by faith in God to work and walls will fall.
By faith ~ believe God today.
By faith ~ trust God to work in your life today.
By faith ~ trust that He will work in your situation where walls need to fall.
By faith ~ what are you expecting God to do? Be prepared to be surprised!