Draw near to God & rejoice!
All who believe in Christ by faith in His blood sacrifice for your sins…rejoice!
You have a great High Priest – and His name is Jesus.Jesus is called and appointed to be over all God’s house. You, as a believer, are a part of that very house ~ hallelujah! God is your Savior; He is also your High Priest.
(Hebrews 10:21)God’s word says…
(NASB) Hebrews 10:22 “let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water…”
Sincerity of heart is being true, having honest motives, being without hypocrisy, without lying to yourself and being honest with God…that is having a sincere heart.
# God invites you to draw near to Him ~ rejoice!
# He encourages you to have a sincere heart ~ rejoice!
# He guarantees you can have full assurance that you are made acceptable by faith in Jesus ~ your Savior, your High Priest ~ rejoice!
Think of that! In this world, there are always “escapes.” There are always “what if’s” and doubters.
But not so for the followers of Christ…we are to be absolutely convinced that Jesus has taken care of our needs for eternity. Rejoice ~ our eternal needs of salvation have been met. We are saved from God’s wrath, delivered from Satan so we can live forever in God’s presence, this is our eternity!
On what is your assurance based? Your heart and life has been cleansed – by the blood of Jesus. His blood sacrifice covers your evil conscience.
We need to be honest! Our thoughts, words, actions and motives are not always up to God’s standards, are they? We need Jesus!
We need Jesus to cleanse us – thoroughly, completely; yes, absolutely! Our bodies are washed with pure water – we are purified by God and His word when our faith is in Jesus.
Washed! Freed! Delivered! Clean!
With joy, draw near to your God and rejoice!
(NASB) Psalm 106:48 “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel,
From everlasting even to everlasting.
And let all the people say, “Amen.”
Praise the Lord!”
Draw near to God & rejoice!