The sacrificial blood offering…
In Hebrews 9:14, we learn that Christ Jesus’ own sinless blood was offered to God the Father through the eternal Holy Spirit. Why? So your conscience and mine could be cleansed from dead works, so we can serve the living God.
In Hebrews 9:15, we learn that Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant – His death redeems or delivers us from our transgressions and sins. He does this for all who receive Him as their Savior. At the moment we ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins, we receive His forgiveness and His promise of an eternal inheritance.
Even when I am unkind in my response to another? Even then, Jesus died for that sin!
In Hebrews 9:16-17, we learn that a will is in force when the one who made it has died…only then is the will valid. Jesus did that, He died!
First Covenant
In Hebrews 9:18-22, we learn that even the first covenant was inaugurated with the sacrificial blood of calves and goats, water, scarlet wool and hyssop. The blood was sprinkled on the book of the Covenant and on the people (Exodus 24:7-8). It was also sprinkled on the tabernacle and all of its furnishings.
(NIV) Hebrews 9:22“In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.”
Second Covenant
Only Christ’s sacrificial blood makes it possible for anyone to be forgiven for any sin.
Only faith in Christ Jesus will admit anyone into heaven’s realm.The importance of Christ Jesus’ blood cannot be overemphasized. Yet, many professing Christians ignore this fact. It is God who states what is needed to gain an entrance into His presence and not be condemned. Do you believe Him?
(NIV) Hebrews 9:22“In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.”
This is God’s law…and not what is convenient for people to believe.