Today, a blood sacrifice sounds gruesome.  In the Old Testament, God used the blood sacrifice of specific animals as a way of explaining what Jesus would do on the cross.

Last Sunday, all Christendom celebrated the resurrection of Jesus after He died on the cross outside the walls of Jerusalem.

Jesus entered the greater and more perfect tabernacle in heaven as our High Priest.

Jesus took His own sacrificial blood into that tabernacle.  He did it one time – no other sacrifice is needed…it’s over; the finality of what Christ has done is for every person!  (Hebrews 9:11-12)

Think about your bitterest enemies – Jesus died and offered His blood for them also.
(NASB) John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

What is the caveat?  What is the condition to have eternal life in the presence of the Lord God Almighty?  Belief in Jesus as your Savior!  That is it!  Nothing more is needed.

When anyone rejects, refuses or ignores such a great salvation through belief in Jesus as their Savior – then that person is rejecting, refusing or ignoring the gift of eternal redemption (deliverance).
The Lamb of God – Jesus – offered, yielded Himself and His blood to God the Father through the eternal Holy Spirit of God.  (Hebrews 9:14)

God the Son, God the Father, God the Holy Spirit – Three Persons, yet One God!
They work together so you can have eternal redemption, eternal deliverance from the sins of the past, present and future.  Your conscience can be cleansed.  You can be cleaned up, freed from your past…when you receive the gift that Jesus offers you.

It is Christ Jesus – His sacrifice, His blood that secures your eternal future.  Who do you know that needs this gift of grace?

Followers of Christ – join me in saying ‘Thank You, Jesus for securing my eternal redemption, my eternal deliverance from my sins.  Thank You for securing my entrance into the very presence of God.
Hallelujah!  Forever and ever!  Hallelujah!’

Your eternal deliverance, your redemption is dependent on your Savior and His blood sacrifice.  It is not dependent on any works you may or may not do…it all depends on Jesus.  Freedom is believing in Christ and His blood sacrificed for you.

Celebrate Easter!
We have a risen Savior…and His name is Jesus.