The Day of Atonement
Good Friday…the day believers in Christ remember the day Christ Jesus died on a cross outside the walls of Jerusalem.
It was the day when Christ offered Himself as the perfect sacrificial Lamb of God.
It was the day when Christ entered into His Father’s presence with His perfect blood as an offering for your sins and mine.
He did this only one time…never to do it again. His blood sacrifice was accepted by the Holy God of the Bible…it was enough! All who receive Jesus as their Savior are forgiven of all their sins…
In the Old Testament – the priest on duty would enter the Holy place on a daily basis. He would perform the divine worship in the first “room” of the Tabernacle (and the Temple when it was built).
The high priest in the Old Testament – would enter behind the beautiful veil or curtain into the Holy of Holies – one time a year, on the Day of Atonement. He would take with him the blood of a perfect sacrifice…offering it for his sins and the sins of the people committed in ignorance. (Hebrews 9:6-7)
Today, whenever anyone receives Jesus as their Savior, they are forgiven of their sins. Jesus has already given His blood as the sacrifice required for our sins. All God’s people say, “Thank You, Jesus!” All God’s people say, “Amen! (So be it)”
Now is the day to receive forgiveness and Jesus’ sacrifice for you.
Any day is the Day of Atonement for those who do not know Jesus as their Savior.
The Day of Atonement – we have the door of opportunity standing open for us, today. Have you walked through that door to be forgiven through faith in the Lord Jesus Who died on a cross for you? Remember: He offered His perfect blood sacrifice for each person.
We need the forgiveness God has provided. And forgiveness before the living God is only through faith in His Son!
Today is Good Friday – a day we are never to forget…for the Son of God humbled Himself so you and I can be forgiven.
Today is Good Friday – but Sunday is coming when all of Christendom will shout “Hallelujah! He is risen! He is risen indeed!”
Easter – a day of celebration! A day of joy! A day of thanksgiving…we worship Jesus, the resurrected Savior…our Lord and our God!