What is the work of God’s word?
(NASB) Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

  God’s word:
“living” – it is alive, viable, full of life and filled with the promise of life eternal

“active” – it is active and accomplishing work which is effective and energizing; it is full of power

“sharper than any two-edged sword” – honed to supernatural sharpness

“piercing” – penetrating deep into our lives

“division of soul and spirit” – Do you think “soul and spirit” is impossible to divide?  Not so, it is the work of God!

“joints and marrow” – the deepest part of your nature

“judge” – God’s word judges your thoughts and the intentions of your heart, your motives.

The sword of God’s word exposes and sifts through your very being.  God’s word analyzes and judges your every thought and the purposes of your heart.

You and I are to remember that God’s word is living, active, sharper than any two-edged sword.  His word pierces into the deepest crevices and hiding places of our minds.

Do you believe that you can do or say anything and God will overlook it?  God’s very words judge you and me.

When you read/study God’s word – do you believe what you read as coming from God Himself?  If so, do you put into action what you know and understand?

Those words are there for a purpose…God’s very words to you and me.

We are not to glance over God’s word and ignore His promises and warnings.  Those very words will judge us.

God is serious about His words – they are true, they are eternal and you and I better pay attention; we need to “listen up!”

How do you relate to God’s word?  What do you need to begin doing, right now?

How is The Reality of God’s Word making a difference in your life?