Jesus ~ fully faithful
Jesus was faithful to God, His Father. He was appointed by His Father as His Heir. (Hebrews 1:2)
Jesus was appointed, He was assigned a responsibility and He faithfully and fully carried out His assignment.
What are a few of the many things He faithfully carried out?
He obeyed His Father when He went to the cross.
He obeyed when He revealed God the Father to us…He is the exact representation of God. (Hebrews 1:3)This Jesus is Savior – He finished His work before He died on the cross. (John 19:30)
How many times do you have “good intentions” but never seem to follow through? Jesus did not do that…His “good intentions” were completed.
Perhaps you need to follow through with what God is calling you to do…perhaps you need to grow in the area of being fully faithful to God.
You may have sound reasons (some may call them excuses) for not following through, for not doing what God says.
Are you taking one step at a time…taking one day at a time…depending on Jesus and His faithfulness to you?