Jesus ~ “had to be made like His brothers…”
Have you ever thought about the fact that Jesus “had to be made like His brothers in every way…?”
Why did He have to do that? So He could “become your merciful (sympathetic) and faithful High Priest in the things related to God…” (Amplified Bible Hebrews 2:17)
Jesus made atonement for your sins; sins are the things you say, do, or think against God. Just think of that! Jesus made you righteous, as if you have never sinned, because of your faith in Him.
You might think, ‘Why do I need faith in Jesus since He has already done all of that for me?’
If you refuse or reject Jesus as your Savior, you are not under His protection. Jesus, only your faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for your sins saves you.
Jesus’ sacrifice was accepted by God the Father, proven by the fact of Jesus’ physical resurrection. Jesus satisfied His Father on your behalf.
Have you ever been given a gift of money without doing anything for it? What did you need to do in order to have that money in hand? You had to receive it in order to use it.
That is what Jesus has done for you; He has given you a gift of life. In order for that gift to be put into action, you need to receive His gift of salvation for yourself.
Jesus had to become fully human – He did so by being born of a virgin. He came into this world like you and me…He was carried in the womb…He was born…and grew to be a man. He had to experience life as you and I know it…from a human perspective.
Now, Jesus is merciful and faithful as our High Priest – He has made it possible for anyone — anyone to be clean from their sins — He alone satisfied the requirements for eternal life in His presence!
Have you received this greatest of gifts by accepting Jesus as your Savior and Lord?