[The names and character of Jesus was taken from Hebrews 1:2-12.]

Jesus ~ reveals God the Father to you through His life (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).

Jesus ~ appointed Heir; Creator; the radiance of God’s glory; the very image of God’s nature and character; upholds all things by the word of His power.

Jesus ~ made purification for your sins!

Jesus ~ seated at the right hand of God Who is the Majesty on high; the only begotten Son of God; worthy of worship by all of creation.

Jesus ~ King; Righteous; anointed with the Holy Spirit of God; Eternal; Existed before the foundation of the earth was laid, established; Unchanging God (the same today as yesterday and will be the same tomorrow); Unending existent One.

Jesus ~ His name is to be revered, honored; not used as an expletive or misused.

Jesus ~ He is worthy of your worship and adoration – for He died in your place for your sins, do you know Him as your Savior?  Do you acknowledge Him as your Lord (Master)?

Only to Jesus has God the Father said the following:
(NIV) Hebrews 1:13

“But to which of the angels has He ever said,
‘Sit at my right hand
until I make your enemies
a footstool for your feet’?”

Amplified Bible Psalm 110:1 “THE LORD (God) says to my Lord (the Messiah), Sit at My right hand, until I make Your adversaries Your footstool.”

Jesus ~ “He has inherited a more excellent name than” the angels.  (Hebrews 1:4)

The following quote is astounding!  Think about it!
(NASB) Hebrews 1:14 “Are they (angels) not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?”

The angels of God were created to minister to all who are followers of Christ.  They serve us!  We are not to worship them…we are to appreciate what they do on our behalf.

Have you assurance of salvation?  Only by faith in Jesus as your Savior can you be known as “an heir of salvation.”

Jesus ~ is superior to all creation
Jesus ~ He is worthy of your worship
Jesus ~ Praise Him!