The First Promise of Messiah
The Lord God created Adam and Eve. And God planted a garden and giving it to Adam and Eve to work in and to live there. (Genesis 1-2)
The Garden of Eden had a large variety of trees and other vegetation from which the first couple could eat. They had many choices and all were for their pleasure…except one. That was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil – they were not to eat its fruit. They were warned by God, if they did eat of that tree, they would die. They had no concept of death. Nothing had died…yet. But when Eve ate of that tree and gave its fruit to Adam and he ate…they knew they had sinned against God. Their innocence died. They were filled with shame and hid from their Creator. They made themselves coverings, inadequate fig leaves. They did physically die…later. Sin and death entered the world.
What are you using to cover yourself? It will never be enough. Are you trying to hide your shame and your sin by trying to cover yourself with inadequate fig leaves?
Each of us needs Messiah, the Anointed One of God, to cover our sins. He did that by being born as a baby in Bethlehem and dying on a cross outside the walls of Jerusalem.
Then He was raised to life by God and is, at this moment, physically sitting at the right hand of God in heaven. Faith in Jesus and what He has already done…is God’s covering which He provided for you and me. We need to be aware of our sins, confessing them and being forgiven because Jesus is our Savior.
Adam and Eve had to live with the consequences of their sin, for God closed that perfect place to live. They were put out of the garden after God condemned Satan for deceiving Eve. The Lord God also gave Eve and Adam a sentence for their sin. Yet, in God’s love and faithfulness to His creation…He covered them with animal skins as clothing. His grace was at work and His promise of Messiah was also given. (Genesis 3)
God can take the ugliness of your sin and forgive you. Receiving Christ Jesus as your Savior is needed. Asking Him to forgive you for the sin that separates you from God is an important step. Faith in Him alone is your key to stand in the presence of God! Jesus is the promised Savior, Redeemer, for He is Messiah.
God promised Adam and Eve that Messiah would conquer, He would have victory over Satan…and He did on the cross! Satan bruised Jesus’ heel when Jesus was crucified. God proved victory over sin, death and Satan when Jesus was resurrected from the grave.
When was the first prophecy of Messiah? Immediately after the first sin…God provided forgiveness through faith in His Son. And that promise continues to be in effect today.
“Listen” to what God said to Satan, giving the promise of Messiah and Savior.
(NASB) Genesis 3:15 “And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her seed;
He shall bruise you on the head,
And you shall bruise him on the heel.”
The First Prophecy of Messiah…
a promise God fulfilled in Jesus Christ!