The Journey Begins…
Paul: accused by the Jews and a prisoner of Rome…and what were the findings about his guilt?
(NASB) 26:32 “…‘This man might have been set free if he had not appealed to Caesar.”God worked in Paul’s circumstances. God used the circumstances to fulfill His purpose for Paul. The Lord God of the Bible is the same today as He was then, 2,000 years ago. He uses your circumstances to fulfill His purpose for you…what a privileged position to be in!
The journey to Rome began in Caesarea. Who would be traveling to Rome?
Paul and some other prisoners were sent to Rome by ship. (Acts 27:1)The centurion – Julius
He was in charge of the prisoners and the travel arrangements. (Acts 27:1, 6)
He also showed compassion and consideration of Paul. He allowed Paul to go to some friends and receive care at their hands when they stopped at Sidon. (Acts 27:3)Friends traveling with Paul
According to these verses, Paul had at least two other men traveling with him: Luke (who wrote the book of Acts) and Aristrachus from Thessalonica (he had traveled with Paul on past missionary journeys.) (Acts 27:1-2)What is one lesson, among others, that we can learn about God? What is He saying to us as we read His words in the book of Acts? People are individuals. They matter. They are not nameless and “throw-away” faceless people.
We are to treat others with respect and consideration for they are important. Even if they are not important to us, they are important to God.
Paul would later write to the Philippian church about showing consideration:
(NASB) Philippians 2:3-4 “do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;
4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.”
What is God telling you to begin doing?Paul, Julius, Luke, Aristarchus – men on the same journey to Rome. Most of them free, but Paul was a prisoner. Paul’s journey to Rome began…The winds were not cooperative and the ship had a difficult time reaching various sea ports. (Acts 27:4-8)
Followers of Christ:
What journey are you on? Paul’s journey was for God to fulfill His will in Paul’s life. How about you? Are you cooperating with the living God of the Bible today?You never know what the winds will be like on your journey, but you can know that your God is using your circumstances for His purposes.