God used absurd circumstances for His purpose
King Agrippa and his wife Bernice swept into the auditorium with great pomp and ceremony. They came and took their seats before the Roman governor Festus and the dignitaries of Caesarea. Then the prisoner Paul was brought in to stand before these important people.
(Acts 25:23)Paul, a prisoner, was brought before this group and his circumstances seemed to be against him. How was he dressed? We don’t know, but we can know he wasn’t dressed for the occasion. He knew he wasn’t dressed for the occasion, but he was not put off, for he was God’s man doing God’s will in God’s timing.
Perhaps one of the things God is saying to you, be available to Him in your circumstances. He is at work in you and for you…no matter what your emotions are or what your circumstances look like. There you are to yield to Him. There you are to choose contentment.
Paul wrote the following in a letter to the Philippian church.
(NASB) Philippians 4:12-13 “I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.
13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”
How are you choosing to be content today?
Festus gave a brief run-down for this gathering concerning Paul. The Jews had appealed to him, loudly declaring that Paul ought not to live any longer. But Festus found nothing worthy of death. Since Paul had appealed to Caesar, to Caesar he would be sent.
(Acts 25:24-25)God wants you to know that your circumstances are in His will for you. Paul knew that he was to go to Rome because Jesus had said so. (Acts 23:11)
God’s will for you is not necessarily something you would choose – but He does say to yield to His will. (Romans 12:1)Festus had a dilemma and an absurd circumstance concerning Paul being sent to Rome…how would he charge Paul? He had nothing to pinpoint or write against Paul. (Acts 25:26-27)
What can we know about God the Holy Spirit and His will for Paul? He was working in Paul’s circumstances to bring about His purposes and will.
Followers of Christ, we are to wait on God and wait for God. He takes dilemmas and absurd circumstances to bring about His purposes for us. He did for Paul and He will do so for us also.
Don’t trust your circumstances no matter what they look like.
Trust God, rely on God, have confidence in your God, the living God of the Holy Bible.
God’s work and will is worthy of your trust in your circumstances.