God the Holy Spirit at Work…
God the Holy Spirit prepared the hearts and minds of men of authority.
The Roman governor Festus was new to his office in Caesarea. King Agrippa and his wife Bernice paid him respects on the level of political diplomacy.While they were there over an extended period of time, Festus told King Agrippa about Paul being kept in prison by Felix, his predecessor. He told the king about the Jews in Jerusalem bringing charges against Paul to condemn him to death. Roman laws gave prisoners the right to a lawful hearing. When the Jews went to Caesarea and accused Paul, Festus was surprised about the charges. He thought the accusations would be about a major crime, but not so. The charges had to do with religious views about a dead man, Jesus, whom Paul said was alive. (Acts 25:13-19)
Followers of Christ, God the Holy Spirit was at work through the lives of Festus and King Agrippa. Paul knew that the Spirit of God was working in his behalf.
How is God the Holy Spirit working in your life? Do you have a deep need and desire to know Him for yourself in your circumstances? That is God the Holy Spirit working in you.
Cooperating with the Holy Spirit brings joy, not necessarily happiness, but deep joy of being in the Lord’s will. Yielding to God is important and imperative. Yielding to God in your circumstances, whatever those are, will bless you. What is God saying to you?
What is God saying to you about His mercies in your circumstances?
(NASB) Romans 12:1 “THEREFORE I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.”
Yielding to God always brings blessing!
Festus continued to talk with King Agrippa about what happened. The governor convened a court appearance for Paul with his accusers present. The governor didn’t know how to investigate religious matters, so he asked Paul if he would go to Jerusalem for trial. Paul appealed to Caesar’s decision. Festus had to honor that appeal and Paul would be sent to Rome.
King Agrippa was curious to hear Paul for himself and Festus said, tomorrow you shall hear him. (Acts 25:20-22) Paul’s assertion drew the attention of the Roman governor and King Agrippa of Israel. His assertion: Jesus did die and was resurrected.
We have stupendous news! Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. Jesus Christ was buried in a tomb. What is the proof His sacrifice was accepted? Jesus Christ was resurrected to physical life as proof. Death, sin and Satan were unable to defeat Him.
We are servants of this Jesus!
We are children of God through faith in this Jesus!
God declares to us through the work of the Holy Spirit: this Jesus is alive and is coming again as King!
This Jesus, is He your Savior?