“The will of the Lord be done!”
Agabus was a prophet from Judea who went to Caesarea specifically to see Paul.
(Acts 21:10)Have you purposely traveled, or made time, to see another because of their spiritual need? Sacrificial living to fulfill God’s will is nothing unusual for followers of Christ.
Agabus approached Paul and asked for his belt. Taking the belt, the prophet then bound his own feet and hands with it. When we see a visual “picture” it helps to drive home a point. Agabus then said:
(NASB) Acts 21:11 “…‘This is what the Holy Spirit says: ‘In this way the Jews at Jerusalem will bind the man who owns this belt and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.’”Those traveling with Paul as well as believers in Caesarea begged Paul not to go to Jerusalem. How did Paul respond?
(NASB) Acts 21:13 “…‘What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but even to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.’”Paul was not deterred from his course, not by begging or tears. Those with Paul realized that they were unable to persuade Paul to discontinue his trip to Jerusalem. (Acts 21:14)
Paul knew that he would be going into dangerous, hostile territory. This did not stop him.What was the conclusion of those believers toward their beloved Paul?
(NASB) Acts 21:14 “…‘The will of the Lord be done!’”When you are doing what God says, what stops you from doing it? Do you listen to well-meaning friends and quit? Do those who criticize you or demean you, stop you from carrying out God’s will? What stops you from following the Lord Jesus?
Paul was facing an uncertain future…but that was not a deciding factor for him. He did continue on his journey to Jerusalem. Paul was not going forward to stubbornly “prove his point.” He was going forward because he was in God’s will for him at that point in time.
Followers of Christ, we too need to continue on our journey, even into the unknown future. Not because of wanting to become a martyr; but, to do what God plans for us. Our Lord Jesus is with us, He sustains us by His Holy Spirit when we are obedient to God’s direction.
“The will of the Lord be done!”